
Watching Helen hunt for Easter Eggs yesterday was hilarious. She would cackle like the little maniac she is every time she saw one. At one point, Jerry looked over at me with sheer joy in his eyes and said, “This is better than Christmas!” We all had a wonderful time hunting the eggs that the super-sneaky Easter Bunny had left, even though Mommy and Daddy were both sick with the Spring Allergy Crud, or SAC.

The funniest part about the Easter Eggs was that Helen quickly discovered that some contained chocolate and some contained jelly beans. So she’d pick up an egg, shake it, and then sort it according to contents. By 4pm she had eaten all of the chocolate, and out of desperation to maintain that elusive sugar high, was starting on the jelly beans. As of breakfast this morning I don’t think there was any candy left.

Amazingly enough, I think she had a decent lunch AND dinner yesterday, in spite of it all. But I just let her snort down all the candy she wanted — it’s not like we do that very often.

We even went to bed early

Helen has been waking up very early lately. Around 6 or 6:30. And, because we’re trying to get her potty-trained, we haven’ t been gating her into her room. This means that she comes wandering into our room and over to my side of the bed at this egregious hour. Ugh.

Last night, we headed up to bed after watching the weather on the 10 o’clock news, hopeful that almost an additional hour of sleep would help. But there she was, at 6:26 this morning, tapping me on the back. I tried to get her to come up and snuggle with us so we could all go back to sleep, but she was not interested.

Jerry got up and went downstairs with her, and he went back to sleep on the couch while letting her watch a stupid Care Bears DVD (WHY ARE THESE INSIPID CREATURES POPULAR???). Well, she found a bag of Dum-Dum lollipops that I use to bribe her. She ate at least three of them, probably more. So when I came downstairs this morning, she was bouncing off the walls. Chattering incessantly, on a supreme sugar high.

I did what any self-respecting mother would do: I took them both to Mother’s Morning Out and let THEM deal with her. And then I went grocery shopping without them. When I went back to pick them up around noon, I was told that Helen was still bouncing all over the place but they figured she’d crash soon.

I finally got her down for a nap. We’ll see if it sticks. Alice is sleeping, too. I think I might take a nap, too… Everyone else is doing it…

Evidence of Disease

Okay, so I said I had a sickness. Here is proof:

Alice modeling a dress I made, Helen's dress in background

I finished these today. Complete with matching panties for Alice. The dress is a bit big on her because she’s 8 months old and I made a 12-months dress. Because I anticipate she’ll wear this most of the summer.

Helen wasn’t here today, so she’s not in her outfit. Which is just as well, because there’s no way I’d be able to get her OUT of the outfit if I put her in it. She’s kinda like that about handmade clothes. I think the cotton must feel good, because she seems to really like to wear them… Which of course just feeds my disease.

Proud of myself for actually finishing these relatively quickly. I cut them out last Tuesday night, and finished them this morning. Just over 5 days — not too shabby!


Helen was just chanting:

Jim-my Neu-tron! Jim-my Neu-tron! Jim-my Neu-tron!

Not really sure why. It’s not on the TV at the moment.

Now she’s hiding under a pillow on the sofa, laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. Alice is standing up at the edge of the sofa trying to figure it out. Funny little kid.