Posts in Helen

According to Helen

I love this kid. This morning, she had two jewels: “Mommy, ten hundreds is a thousand!” I gawked, because what. a. genius. my four-year-old must[…]


2:30 am: Walls. Yes, more than one. Pillowcase, through to pillow. Quilt. Extra pillow from Dining room sofa that she was using since Alice moved[…]

Red Hot Chili Purse, and more

It has been a creative weekend here at Messygoat Headquarters…. Yesterday/today I made this Red Hot Chili Purse: KelleyBR — your fabrics are in this![…]

Gross Lessons with Children

I have (we have) noticed a sharp upturn in the frequency of use of our Plumber’s Friend (plunger). As Alice is not yet fully potty-trained,[…]

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