Grocery List

Several weeks ago, I took the girls with me to the grocery store to pick up a few things before dinner. Alice very loudly listed off all of the things I needed to get in her sing-songy little slurring voice (I kind of hope that her speech improves after the tubes on Wednesday, for the simple reason that her hearing won’t be muffled once it drains again — we’ve seen dramatic changes the other two times):

“Kee-wos…” [Cheerios]
“Pay-cakes…” [Pancakes]
“Saw-wop…” [Syrup]
“G’een beans…”
“Go’fish…” [Goldfish crackers]
“Faw-wawwies…” [Strawberries]
“Jooooooceeeeee….” [Juice]
“Gak-oos…” [crackers]
“Brockee…” [Broccoli]
“Cheezin Baggie…” [Land O’ Lakes snack size cheese slices — perfect for little hands]
“Tikken…” [Chicken]
“Pockickoes…” [Popsicles]
“Aye-keem…” [Ice cream]

This went on for the entire ride to the store and amused me greatly. And it made me realize that my little girls don’t eat TOO much junk, all things considered. She wasn’t listing off Cheetos and Chips and ONLY things of that genre… Broccoli and green beans were ahead of popsicles and ice cream, for example.