Portion Control

I have a lifestyle pattern that is going to have to change, and soon.

Since September 2001, I have been either pregnant or nursing a baby, with the exception of two months in 2003.

This has meant that I have been a calorie burning machine. Well, kinda. Even the machine couldn’t keep up with the food intake while I was pregnant with Helen, and I gained fifty pounds.

Anyway. Alice is down to two, maybe three feedings a day. Within the past two weeks or so, I have seen a difference in how much I can eat without keeping the calories in storage… on my butt.

A challenge is in my future… I have to reteach myself how to eat reasonably. I’ve gotten all of my baby weight off, plus almost all of the weight I gained teaching, and I don’t want to gain ANY of it back. I suppose I should probably exercise, too, huh? Yeah, I know I should. Chasing around two little girls just isn’t enough and I know it. But it’s just hard to find the time when one doesn’t particularly enjoy the phenomenon known as “sweating.” Bleah.

I can’t just have a candy bar whenever I want it anymore. I can’t have a larger serving for dinner than Jerry does (which I have done for over 3 years now).

Rats. Eating’s fun, and now I have to be… restrained. Not my strong point.