We’re going to the John Mayer concert in a few weeks. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been reading his blog lately, and he’s funny! It should be a good show. The only thing that worries me is that he gets so completely into it while he’s singing that it might be strange to watch him. Every time I’ve seen him sing (except for on the “Your Body Is A Wonderland” video), he looks possessed. Which, I suppose, he is, really… But it may be distracting. Luckily, our seats aren’t right up front, so we may be too far back to see too much of the weirdness.
He’s still a cutie, though. Must say.
And I just found out today that he’s 6’3″. Ooo. 🙂
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February 5th will be my fourth time to see him and every show has been better than the last. He is amazing…even with the weirdness.