Flop flop flop flop

I’m at a strange point in my life. Uncharted waters for me.

I used to have a niche. I was the young married, no kids, active in theatre, creative and crafty person. I had other young married/no kids friends, I had friends active in theatre, and I had creative and crafty friends.

Currently I feel like a fish out of water. Because of my three years of essentially hibernating, due to the fact that I never quite knew what horrors my rear end would subject me to in public, I have alienated myself from a lot of my social outlets. And honestly? I don’t miss all that socializing that much. I’ve never been a party girl (except for maybe my sophomore year in college), so living without it hasn’t been that much of a stretch.

But it’s strange. I kind of hunger for the right “niche” for me… And I don’t really fit in with the young marrieds with young kids group currently. Jerry says I’m “old for my age,” and I guess that’s true. I definitely don’t fit in with the theatre crowd like I used to, because I’m too cheap to buy tickets to go see shows, and too busy at home to be involved enough that I could sneak in for free. So there’s a whole culture down there that I’m not even part of anymore. My quilting friends are lots of fun, but I’m the young-and-hip one of that group, which always strikes me as funny.

There is one group of women that I am very close to. Several of them I have known for about six years now, and I know that we will probably be friends until we’re all old. And I love that. The only problem is that we live all over the place, and none of them lives near me. California, California, Texas, Texas, Texas, Michigan, Michigan, and Illinois. This is the group of women I got together with in March, and I have never laughed so hard for so long as I did that week. The Sonic Beverage incident on the interstate in particular. Gah, that was hilarious.

I miss you ladies. I wish we were all local, because IM sessions just aren’t enough. I loved in March that I could just totally be myself and not have to hide behind any pretenses of what you might think of me. You had already seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I was just ME. That was incredible. Thank you.


Alice and I were going to go to Decatur (the geographical location, not the euphemism) this morning, because my Outback hasn’t been serviced by them in a long time. It’s gotten its oil changes on time and full checks by the the Express Oil Change people, but seeing as the Subaru is still under warranty, it’s in my best interest to have the Subaru people check it out once in a while. I love this car, and I would like to drive it for a long time. And I just hit 20,000 miles a few months ago, so they definitely need to check it.

I had to reschedule, because Alice can’t hold anything down this morning. I’m wondering if another tooth is cutting — she seems otherwise fine and happy, just… uh… fountain-like.

The Subaru lady is obviously a mother: “Oh, you poor thing, not a problem at ALL. Would you like to reschedule now? Or you can call back when it’s not so crazy in your house…”

If you’re going to buy a Subaru, GO TO DECATUR. The Subaru people here are asses. But the people over there are SO nice. We leased our first one in 1999, bought Jerry’s in 2001, bought a newer version of mine (same color and body style and everything, so people wouldn’t notice that we had purchased a new car a week before our baby was born and when Jerry had been laid off) when the lease ran out on the first one in 2002, and we are STILL very happy with our cars. Jerry’s is a little smaller than he likes (he’s got a Forester), but it serves us well. Not sure if he’ll want an Outback when he gets a new car in a few years, or if he’ll jump ship to a different make of car, but I’ll probably stick with Subarus.

But only Subarus from DECATUR.