Red Ribbon!

My Sticks and Stones quilt (photo forthcoming — I don’t have a good picture of it finished) won a 2nd place ribbon in the “Amateur Pieced Medium Size” division! Woowoo!

The quilt show was VERY good — lots of striking and funky quilts, lots of traditional quilts, and I think the judge did a very good job selecting quilts of both styles for the winners. I went on her walking tour this afternoon where she talked about what she liked about particular quilts, what worked, what didn’t, what could have made a quilt better, etc. It was very interesting. What was funny is that the traditionalists that were on the tour got kind of pissy as we were walking out (they didn’t know I was close or they would have been more careful — the Sticks quilt isn’t exactly traditional), saying snarky things like “It’s verrrrrrrrry interesting which quilts won all the big awards. Verrrrrrrrry interesting.” And then one saw me and started backpedaling: “Well, we like the reproduction fabrics, that’s our thing…” blah blah blah. It amused me. Two years ago, the judge chose very FEW funky or bright quilts and very heavily favored the traditional ones. So I’m glad to see tht the traditionalists are feeling a little put upon this year. Evens things out. But there were lots of traditional quilts that had ribbons on them, so I don’t think their complaints were well-founded.

My mom entered three quilts into the show, and all three of hers had ribbons on them. She got 2 second place ribbons (“Professional Pieced Medium Size” and “Innovative Techniques” — she has to enter the professional division because she has won a “Best of Show” ribbon before), and she won “Martha’s Choice” (Martha being the woman hosting the show, and the woman who might hire me to do her scrapbooks)…

The quilt that won Martha’s Choice is wonderful — Mom hand-drew (with a lightbox) two portaits of her parents, and then had snippits of their love letters photocopied onto fabrics. The letters were pieced all around the photos, and the whole quilt was in the shape and colors of the military service flag (red border, white interior, single blue star). My grandfather served in the army for 39 years, and for 22 of them he and my grandmother were apart (Mom didn’t meet Grandpa until she was Helen’s age because he left for WWII while Grandma was pregnant and didn’t come back until the War was over). So they communicated by letter and saved all of them. I have not read the letters on the quilt — they are so tender and touching that I just can’t get through them. Martha told me that she just stood there with tears running down her cheeks as she looked at it.

Anyway. I’m pleased!

The judge had very nice things to say about Rhapsody, which was miiiiiiiiiiiild and ULTRA-conservative compared to the others in its division. Turns out they combined the amateur and professional divisions for “Innovative Techniques,” which means my mom’s quilt beat mine! HMPH! I’m totally fine with that — most of the women who entered quilts in this division are the teachers who I learned from in order to DO Rhapsody in the first place, so I’m just happy my quilt’s hanging up with theirs, you know?

I will go back this weekend so I can see some of the quilts again (because on the walking tour we moved around pretty fast, looking at all 200+ quilts in 90 minutes, and discussing a large number of them), and I’ll take pictures of my mom’s quilts and the Sticks quilt.


Helen has an obnoxious habit of shaking her chocolate milk. Just now, I came upstairs for a few minutes hoping that she’d settle down in her Blue’s Clues sleeping bag and take a nap. I had given her a full sippy cup full of chocolate milk, because she had asked me very nicely and we’re trying to encourage that whenever we can.

All of a sudden, there was an eruption of hysterics from downstairs, and I went down there to find chocolate milk dripping off of everything — Helen, the sofa, the sleeping bag (which has a large stuffed Blue head as a pillow, so I can’t put it in the washing machine — I either have to go to the laundromat or have the stupid thing cleaned), and two of my quilts. Thank GOD I don’t work with white fabric as a general rule or Helen would be dead and I’d be in a squad car right about now. Since they were primarily orange (the names of them are “O, My Eyes Are Bleeding,” and “Again With the Orange?!”… both named by Jerry, as you can see), they’re just in the washing machine. They may spot, but probably not noticeably.

Anyway. She was shaking the milk and the cap popped off from the pressure of the bubbles. And since Helen gets VERY upset by all things messy or sticky, she lost it.

New rule: all dairy products must be consumed while sitting at the kitchen table, and NO SHAKING.
