Uh oh

I feel a Frenzy coming on. I just finished knitting the Butternut Blanket, which is a 30″ square monstrosity that I started in February. I finished it this morning during a riveting episode of “Dora the Explorer.” Dunes! Boardwalk! Beach! Dunes! Boardwalk! Beach!

Alice’s little sweater is all sewn together, and I’m now knitting the hood. Over halfway done with that, and then I can attach it to the body of the sweater and do the finishing (blanket stitch around the edges, buttons and button loops). Not that finishing is imminent or anything, but I can see the light of the end of that project.

I finished quilting a quilt last week, trimmed it, and it’s ready for binding. Started quilting another one and made lots of progress, and I’m quite pleased with how it’s turning out.

Yesterday I started painting our master bedroom, which used to be two bedrooms (before we bought the house), so it’s BIG. Probably 25’x14′, plus a hallway that has been integrated into the room. Lots of walls and doors to cut in around. I’ve done probably about half of it already, and it looks GREAT. We might actually like that room now that it’s not contractor brown anymore. Nasty, nasty color. WHY do contractors use it?!

Anyway. Once Helen gets put away for the evening (in about 15 minutes), I’m going to get the paint roller out of the fridge (put it in there so I wouldn’t have to wash it between stopping at 5pm and resuming after the girls’ bedtimes) and get back to it. And then we’ll inhale paint fumes all night. Yummers.

I love Frenzies. After my BLAH day yesterday, I decided to get productive.




7 Responses

  1. My dad (a bulider for 5o years) paints everything off wite or beige. It is an industry standard. It is an easy color to paint over and doesn’t overwhelm the buyer when they are looking at a house. They see a blank canvas.

  2. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    Well, this could be considered beige, I suppose. A Very Dark Beige. It used to be all over the house (well, that and the icky gray downstairs)… But I’m slowly going to get rid of it. Next up? Living Room! Woowoo!!!

    And yeah, RaRa — off-white is a great color when you’re buying a house. This khaki/beige color was good, too. I didn’t think I’d actually LIVE with it for over two years, though. Wow. I surprise me. I guess I’ve been busy, though.

  3. I’ve done the fridge thing with the roller/brush. But mostly I just wrap them in plastic wrap and then double wrap in a recycled grocery store plastic bag.

    Have fun!

  4. Oooh.. didn’t know the paint roller/fridge trick! Nice to know!

    Man, I hate painting. My house is covered in contractor beige.. but I call it institutional taupe.

  5. I intentionally paint my rental houses off-white. It’s easy to touch up and doesn’t really offend anyone. Of course, my renters have other ideas. So one house has a DARK PURPLE bathroom. And the other has a cranberry bathroom. I figure if someone hates it bad enough, they can paint. A la Sarah.

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