I’m sorry I posted that entry about my relative that stalks comments, because people aren’t commenting as much anymore. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m a comments whore. Please comment.
I’m sorry I posted that entry about my relative that stalks comments, because people aren’t commenting as much anymore. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m a comments whore. Please comment.
18 Responses
No comment.
Yeah, well, THAT’s helpful.
I’m helpful like that.
See, I CANNOT turn on comments on my site, for the reason you stated. I don’t want that person’s comments cluttering up my space. I can’t tell the person to not read or lock the person out without hurt feelings. So I’m stuck.
I could stop ectui. I could start a different blog. I could have two blogs at once. None of those ideas are totally atttractive.
So here, comment whore. Comments aplenty.
By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say the word ‘whore’ before. Weird.
Re: “whore” — I think it’s Marfa and Sue’s influences. Pottymouths. *snort*
I have heard her say whore and much worse 😉
I have called her a whore. Oh no, that was Ronda.
I’m still bruised in knowing that I’m the group slut.
Ohhh! Maybe that’s a good 30 thing! 30, but STILL the group slut. Yeah baby!
Ok…. so you’re the blog version of Victooorriiiaaa….
Ok, then.
OK, that settles it. I can’t ever post the addy to this blog over there or she’ll come here and see this and start her own blog and then whiiiiiiiiiiine that she gets 357 hits a day but no one ever leaves comments. OMG, can you IMAGINE!? Kill me now.
At least I’ll admit that I’m a whore for the comments.
Steph: *someone* has to do it. Elaine can’t, much to my chagrin.
Tsk, tsk Jerry. I predict you will be very lonely tonight.
Elaine said whore…hahahaha.
Though it’s rather a dubious honor to be to blame for it…hmph.
It’s only because of the presence of “skank whore” in your lexicon since last summer… 🙂
I’m lonely most nights. Why spend time with me when there’s quilting to be done? 😛
Aye, been busy with sickie Leela. (Don’t worry, I could never be persuaded NOT to comment on anything.)
Bitterness is SO unattractive, Jerry. 😛
Hey, change the font size.
Hope Leela gets better, Anjali!
Oh, I’ll change your font size, baby… Wait. That didn’t come out right.
Anyway, I swapped themes. This one is similar but not quite the same.
Mucho bettero size wise.
I knew my man Jerry would come through with a bigger size for me…..
I live to serve, Nancy. (you can drop the comma if’n you wanna)
Looking at the page 12 hours later, I don’t like it so much. Bigger font size yes, color is too light. I’ll work on that too.