Posts in Helen

Alicia is a Goddess

Helen and Alice got a special treat tonight — Alicia came to babysit while I got a much-needed night on the town. And oh, my[…]


To all you single moms out there, you are my heros. It’s amazing to me that the two hours of help that I get from[…]

Mope Mope Mope

Helen is moping. She misses Jerry. She came upstairs after dinner, downtrodden, with her bottom lip poking out. “Whatsamatta, Helen?” “I. Want. Daddy.” Awwww. So[…]


“Is it Saturday yet, Mommy?” “No, Helen. It’s Monday.” “What comes after Monday?” “Tuesday.” “What comes after Tuesday?” “Wednesday.” “What comes after Wednesday?” “Thursday.” “What[…]

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