Hail No!

I went to Mom’s last night and organized all of our Disney pictures (mine, Jerry’s, Mom’s, and Dad’s) into folders that will be roughly how I do the pages of the book. After that, of course I wanted to do some digital scrapping, so I did this layout — twice. Photoshop ate it the first time when it crashed so I had to do it again. Note to self: save as you go. Usually I’m pretty good about that, but my little Mac had gotten quite a workout in iPhoto last night and when I do a lot of file-moving, I’ve noticed that the big programs like Photoshop and Word get kind of crashy if I don’t restart the machine. Duh. In any case, I don’t remember the last time Photoshop crashed on me; probably during the weeks in July/August when I was doing the profile document for church and had to have Photoshop and Word open at the same time. Oy!

So. Without further ado, here’s my newest digital layout. It uses products from ScrapGirls (ABR HisnHers background paper and alphabet, STI Dynamic Spatter Brushes) and a photo frame freebie from an unknown source.

(Click on the image to see it 600×600)




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