
Jerry and I differ when it comes to storing old cardboard boxes. He likes to have them, just in case.

I’ll save a few, but not a stockpile.

Well, except… Except that I was STILL storing almost all of our Christmas ornaments in their original boxes — Fontanini Nativity set pieces, Hallmark ornaments, LOTS of boxes.

Well, since Jerry helped put up the tree this year, he noticed all the boxes, and turned my box-nagging around on me. He suggested that I get rid of the boxes and I’d have a lot more space to store things if they didn’t have a firm cardboard cocoon around them.


ALL of the Christmas decorations can be stored in his grandmother’s antique cedar chest, with room to spare. It was EASY to put everything away today — no torturous game of three-dimensional Tetris to figure out how everything would fit in there!

Damn, I hate it when he’s right. 🙂