
Yesterday, Jerry and I took the girls on a walk of the neighborhood. The girls had cabin fever and were driving us Up. The. Wall., so it was good to get out.

As always happens when Jerry and I have a chance to talk without constant interruptions, we spent a good hour dreaming together. Dreaming of what to do with our house, in particular… Looking at other houses for ideas, looking at how those ideas could be integrated into improving our house. Talking about what rooms would be used for if we were to add on again. And how. And when.

I love dreaming. Most of the time, our dreams don’t come to fruition — we had big plans to add on to the last house and never did it, for example, but we spent lots of time drawing, dreaming, and even having contractors come look around. Even so, some of my fondest memories of that house were all of the plans we had — all the things we dreamed of doing.

This weekend, he and I will go on a 4-day honeymoon, just the two of us. And I suspect that we will spend a lot of time talking, and dreaming, and remembering why we love being together. I cannot wait to have four days of dreams with the man I love, in such a fun place. 🙂




4 Responses

  1. Oh Elaine, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time. You, more than anyone I know, have certainly earned the R & R.

  2. Enjoy you’re weekend. I’m so jealous! And I totally relate to making plans/dreaming about your house. We are the same way. Would LOVE to actually DO some of the plans . . .

  3. Honeymoon? What’s a honeymoon? You mean parents are allowed to go away, alone…without kids? That’s crazy talk! I am SOOOO jealous! We’re hoping to get away (for the FIRST time!) when I’m done nursing Theo. Have a BLAST!!!

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