Turkish Delight

When I was little, the Episcopal Church of the Nativity had a vacation Bible school that centered around “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” I was probably under six, but I don’t really know how old I really was. I could probably find it in one of my mom’s photo albums from then, but I don’t know.

Anyway, there was much discussion about what Turkish Delight actually was. On the last day of the VBS, we were all supposed to bring our particular Turkish Delight.

Most kids brought M&Ms or Oreos or Pixie Stix or something equally pedestrian.

Always the overachiever, I had my mom whip up (literally) a batch of chocolate chip meringues. No joke. My mother is/was a very patient woman, obviously. Not that meringues are difficult to make, but she doesn’t like to bake and I made her do it, rather than letting her take the easy way out and just go to Kroger like everyone else.

Plain meringues? Not so much. But the ones with little mini chocolate chips in them? Heavenly. I’ll eat them until I start to feel bad. Kind of like the relationship I have with strawberries.

What’s your Turkish Delight?




5 Responses

  1. God I loves those, too! Forget-me-nots is what my Mom called them. Yes, I can eat dozens of them. Also those chocolate lace cookies…

  2. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    No, that sounds good. Have you ever put sundried tomatoes in your cream cheese? VERY GOOD. And everyone always asks for the recipe, which cracks me up.

  3. Actually, YES! Costco sells the yummiest sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil. A Ritx cracker, a glop of cream cheese, topped with a sundried tomato, and people think I’m a gourmet! Cracks me up too!

  4. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    Absolutely — I used to buy those big jars of sundried tomatoes when we were members there… I’d drain ’em and rinse ’em, and then mix some quantity of them and a block of softened cream cheese until it “looked right,” mold it into a ball, and take it to parties. There’s a certain group of friends that now expects me to bring that thing, which is fine with me — couldn’t be easier.

    My friend MaryO has improved on it — she throws the ingredients into a food processor and adds a few sprigs of fresh basil and a tsp of minced garlic. But I’m too lazy to bother with that most of the time.

    I’ll stick with the two-ingredient gourmet fare.

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