1 MINUTE AGO: surfing the web
1 HOUR AGO: knitting while the girls watched “Blue’s Clues”
1 DAY AGO: helping students review for their math finals, which are today
1 WEEK AGO: getting ready for Alice’s second round of ear tubes surgery
1 MONTH AGO: preparing for my first Thanksgiving inside since 1989, and my first Thanksgiving ever not with my parents
1 YEAR AGO: enjoying Alice and her damn colic in the middle of the night
1 DECADE AGO: friends with Jerry, but dating Chad-the-Ice-Rinser (whose birthday is today, actually)
1 SCORE AGO: in 6th grade, wearing lots of neon
1 QUARTER CENTURY AGO: in first grade, with a teacher who whispered more quietly the angrier she got
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