I’ve been up pretty much since 3am.
It started with Logic snouting me, which usually means that he needs to go out. So we went out. He peed on a tree, and that’s all. I was ready to kill him, but we walked around to the back of the house and I thought maybe it was the venue preventing him from performing, but no. He peed on a few more trees, and we came back inside.
The commotion apparently woke Helen, who was in our room at about 3:30. I took her back downstairs and changed her into a dry diaper, putting a towel over the damp spot on her sheets, and invited the dogs into her room for the remainder of the night (she likes that).
Then I went back upstairs and TRIED to go back to sleep. Of course, I couldn’t. I obsessed about my surgery on Thursday. New thing to fret about and tell the anesthesiologist… When they intubate a patient, they pull the bottom jaw outwards to open the airway. I have had TMJ surgery, and doing this could be damaging. So I laid there and obsessed about that for a long time. I’m sure it will be fine. I’m sure I’ll be drugged so I don’t care, and drugged afterwards so that any pain and swelling in my joints from the intubation process will not be problematic. But it doesn’t mean I can’t lie around and obsess in the meantime.
Finally got back to sleep around 5:15, I’d guess, and Helen was in our room again at 6. At 6:20 I just got up.
I wish that child weren’t such a light sleeper. It’s annoying. She always has been, though. Even as an infant. Even as a FETUS.
2 Responses
Three words for you — WHITE NOISE MACHINES.
My whole family is addicted to them. It can’t be healthy, but all I care about is a good night’s sleep.
Maybe we should get one of these. You’re definitely not the first one to suggest it with respect to this kid. *sigh*