
Okay. I had a soiree last night. Wine, cheese, grapes, olives… Mis-matched crystal goblets so people could choose their own unique drinking vessel. All that went over well. I had smoked salmon. It was even chilling in the fridge. I had a plate on the dining room table, ready to receive it.

Did I get it OUT of the fridge? No. That would make too much sense.

Did my friends remind me of the smoked salmon that they had been promised? No. They were too polite.

I do this every time I have a party. I had a cookout earlier this year, and discovered the sliced onions, tomatoes, and lettuce for the burgers when everyone was finishing their lunch.

You know what this means, of course: I need to have more parties so I can gain more experience and have a better grasp on this whole entertaining thing. I’m sure Jerry will LOVE that idea.

In the meantime, does anyone need some smoked salmon? Or some wine? I have plenty of wine left… Too bad Jerry isn’t a big fan of either…




6 Responses

  1. I was so excited by the olives (and wineglasses!) that I forgot about the salmon.

    I’m not that polite. I would have reminded you. 🙂

  2. HAHA… I’m liking the idea… And Elaine, other people are bringing kids. So please come, and feel free to bring yours. Elyse and her friend Cadence are setting up Mike’s room to play with any kids interested.

  3. If the guests are as fun as yours were last night, feel free to have more parties.

    The olives were good… the gouda was even better.

  4. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    You heard what he said, ladies! Party at The Goat’s house! Woowoowoooo!

    Oh, and Sue — if I got in my car NOW, do you think we could maybe be working on the wine by tomorrow morning?

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