Enforced Cleanup

Lately I’ve been frittering my free time. Not ALL of it, but more than I should be. There are piles of crap in my new room upstairs that I’m not quite sure what to do with, so I just haven’t been doing anything. As a result, the piles aren’t getting smaller or dealt with or put away. Which means that my new space is no better than my old space — I STILL have a path to the usual places, and I still have piles of junk all over the room.

This morning my friend Claire called, wanting to use my die-cutting machine to cut out letters for a scrapbook she’s doing. There wasn’t a path TO the die-cutter, and she said she’d come by after lunchtime.

Well. Alice and I worked in there this morning, sorting through a few of the piles and making them smaller, and throwing out a lot of stuff. I’m about to go attack another pile, trashcan at the ready.

I’m thinking I need to invite a bunch of people over for a party IN THIS ROOM so that I’ll actually clean it and finish moving in.





3 Responses

  1. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    I’m making progress, though… The floor is mostly clear now, and two chairs are now available (including the one I’m currently sitting in)! Party of TWO! WOOWOOWOOOOOOO

  2. You can tell she’s making progress because now she’s nagging me to finish my part of it. 🙂

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