I went to see a play last night. I went BY MYSELF to see this play. It wasn’t a children’s play, it wasn’t something Jerry would enjoy, and it wasn’t one of those plays that was particularly thought-provoking as far as making one think, “Gosh, this is something I’m going to remember for a long time.” It was just entertainment.
I even paid for a ticket, something I haven’t done in probably over three years. Pathetic. I’m the world’s worst theatre patron.
Many years ago, I discovered that I enjoy live theatre much more if I go by myself. This way, I can’t lean over to the person next to me and say snarky things about the actors and actresses or directing decisions. I can’t make comments about the set, and I can’t complain about the lighting if there’s no one listening to my commentary. So I just sit back and enjoy the performance. And that’s exactly what I did last night.
During intermission, they had ballroom dancers doing some swing out in the middle of the floor, and after their dance, people from the audience could go down and dance. I know the male dancer — he’s one of my brother’s friends — so I decided to go down for a dance so I could say hello. I’m a horrible dancer because I always try to lead (it’s the control freak in me), but Mike is a GREAT dancer and a great lead; he can make a terrible dancer like me look like I know what I’m doing. So it was a lot of fun. And we had a nice visit, too. Always a nice bonus.
The show was good, too. The director made some great casting choices and the ensemble was strong. In some ways, it made me ache to get back on the stage, but that’s just not where my life is right now. Not a problem… I’ll get more chances.
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