Sleep Deprivation

This is what happens when people who have known each other online for 6 years FINALLY get together. We don’t sleep. We stay up WAY too late giggling and talking about absolutely everything, and then we drag around during the day because we’re so exhausted.

But oh, my goodness, I am having a wonderful time. I’m so glad I was able to come. I just wish I had friends like this locally so I could see them more.

In Texas

Here I am in Texas with my imaginary friends, and we’re having so much fun!!! Within an hour of arriving yesterday, my face was already hurting from all of the laughter. I needed this.

Alice has been SO good. She slept through takeoff and landing of the flight, and was a treasure the entire day as we drove around in the van. She did have a lot of difficulty settling down last night, but once she DID finally go down (around midnight) she stayed down until 7ish. Not too bad.

Now she and I are downstairs while everyone else finishes sleeping. We’ll probably be the only ones up for a while, because most of them didn’t come up to sleep until almost 3am. I would have loved to stay up, too, but I was turning into a pumpkin… I guess that sort of happens when one gets up at 4:48am?

Someone’s coming down the stairs! It’s our illustrious hostess, Stacy!
More later, maybe…


Linus is COMPLETELY OBNOXIOUS when he wants something. Sometimes he wants more water, sometimes he wants food, sometimes he wants to go outside, sometimes he just wants attention, but his approach is always the same. He repeatedly PECKS you with his snout.

Peck peck.
Peck peck peck.


I usually say, “WHAT?!” out of exasperation, and then he’ll just turn around, satisfied that I’ve acknowledged his existence, and lie down. Makes me crazy.


Tomorrow I head out to see my imaginary friends. There are 7 of us congregating, and I’ve met 4 of them before (well, 5, if you include me). We’ve been friends since 1999, posting on a scrapbooking message board… There are 10 of us in this little circle. There used to be eleven, but one of our beloved members died last August. Because of her, we’re jumping at the chance to get together now so we don’t one day regret missed opportunities. It should be lots of fun… The strangest thing, no doubt, will be to “hear” each other, when we’ve just been reading online messages for the past 6 years.

I’m sure there will be some fun conversations in the next week. I’m really looking forward to it.