Posts in Helen

Testing 1-2-3!

Jerry upgraded me to the newest WordPress last night. So. Lemme see… I just posted an image to my gallery. Can you see it?

This one’s for you, Kelley…

Found some brushes for Fairy Wings and just had to try them out on our girls: Downloads from (ASO Princess Collection, ASO Ultimate Grunge[…]

Twenty Questions

Interview idea and questions from page 97 of “Scrapbook Play.” Downloads from ScrapGirls: ASO Ultimate Grunge Brush set ASO Appassionata Faded Paper (freebie) GHU African[…]

Three layouts today…

This one only uses the ASO Grunge Brushes from that I seem to use on every single layout… Fonts are Haettenschweiler, Jane Austen, and[…]

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