Update: Ears

Alice’s ears are NOT still infected. We got the All Clear.

Her crabbiness is likely caused by teething. Oh, faaaaabulous.

So. We just dosed her with Motrin and will be praying for another sleepful evening like we had last night. It was blissful.

Time to call?

Is it time to call the carpet cleaner people when your kid gets filthy from crawling around on the carpet in the playroom?


I know it’s from all the red clay that the dogs track in on rainy days, but still. Alice’s pajamas are BROWN on the knees and feet.


Ear Recheck

Alice was supposed to have her ears rechecked this morning at 9am, so I got up early and showered and was feeling pretty good about my efficiency… Came downstairs to discover the answering machine blinking. The pediatrician will not be in today, because all three of his little girls are sick (one is even in the hospital) — yikes! So. I spoke to the nurse and told her that we have a plane trip Wednesday and I think Alice is getting another infection. So we’re going in to see one of Brian’s partners at 3pm.

It could be nothing, but with a flight on Wednesday I’d much rather err on the side of paranoia. I will be getting some Similisan eardrops to put in Alice’s ears on Wednesday, regardless of today’s outcome.

Ears again?

Alice has had 3, possibly 4, ear infections since mid-November. I think she’s starting on the next one. Her pediatrician told me last time we were in there that if she got another one we might discuss the possibility of having tubes put in on that side (so far she’s only had infections on one side — the other side seems to drain just fine on its own).

Her symptoms — or lack thereof — are atypical. She’s just crabby and she won’t sleep. That’s it. No fever, no congestion, nothing else. Just miserably crabby and she only takes powernaps rather than sleeping for any lengths of time.

Since the last infection, her sleep patterns had returned to normal, and she was sleeping through the night again. It was lovely. But lately she’s been refusing to nap and waking up after only a few hours at night. This makes for a crabby kid during the day (and an exhausted mommy and daddy).

Tomorrow morning at 9am is her recheck on the most recent ear infection. Since we’re flying on Wednesday, if there’s NOT an infection, I may ask for preemptive prescription of antibiotics just in case — I don’t want to have her screaming like a banshee on the plane, after all.

I hope it’s not an infection, though. We’ve been keeping her dosed with Tylenol over the weekend, and that seems to have been helping with the fussies.