Finished Southwest Merry-Go-Round!

This is my first finish from my list in the Q3 Finish-Along!


In  2007, I went to the AQS show in Nashville with a friend, and found a stack of fabrics in Southwestern colors that made me happy. As I mentioned in this post, the fabrics sat for over 2 years until Jerry gave me Cozy Modern Quilts by Kim Schaefer for Christmas. I made the quilt top in 2010, and then *that* sat for 2 years.


While we were in the rental house after the fire I didn’t have a design wall — and I had a HUGE floor on which to baste big quilts — so I made a backing for it and basted it and quilted about half of it. I used three different filler patterns that I had found in Angela Walter’s first book, Then we moved back in over here and it got buried again. My style and skill level of free-motion quilting has improved a lot in two years, but I decided to just finish it anyway. The scale of my quilting has also changed and spaced to be more regular, but I guess it’s not really noticeable to anyone other than me. And the quilt is still soft and warm, and that’s the point anyway.


So now it’s done!







I’m very pleased with how it turned out. At 78″ square, it’s too large to hang up anywhere. But the colors in the quilt match the colors in our family room pretty exactly, so that’s where it will live. Hopefully it will serve us well as a sofa quilt and will sit *finished* for a lot longer than it ever sat unfinished.


The green on the back is a hand-dyed Kona cotton in the Procion color “Avocado.” I was originally going to use it for something else until I realized it was perfect for this quilt. I pieced the back because spending money on fabric two years ago when we were rebuilding our house wasn’t really prudent, and I love the effect. This may have been the first backing I pieced of different fabrics — now it’s rare for me NOT to do that.



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