First One of the Summer’s Big Finish

Well, I finished Brandi’s quilt in time for graduation!

Here it is, straight out of the dryer:
Crinkled on the grass

A closeup of the border quilting:
Border Quilting

And because I couldn’t resist… The Rail Fence quilt ON THE FENCE!!! Ah, quilters, we’re just so PUNNY.
On the Fence

And here she is, getting ready to open her quilt the night before graduation:
Opening the quilt

Holding it and refusing to make eye contact because she was in tears:
Brandi with her Quilt

I’m so glad she liked it! She said she slept all wrapped up in it both nights that I was there over the weekend. She and her roommate had apparently decided to have a yellow theme in their dorm room; I guess B had forgotten that she chose the colors she did last November. No worries; I’m sure she’ll use the quilt when it gets cool in the fall.




2 Responses

  1. Love the colors and the binding sings to me. Beautifully made and the quilting is fabulous.

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