Maybe I’ll be embarrassed by this later, but…

The whole Swine Flu thing? I think it’s media-hyped hysteria, frankly, unless they’re not telling us something.

I’ll keep my kids home, and we’ll entertain ourselves by planting flowers and playing in the sprinklers and just generally having a nice time, but I still think that shutting down the schools is utterly and completely stupid. I really do. Cough and sneeze into your elbow, wash your hands a lot, and don’t go out in public if you don’t feel well. HOW HARD IS THIS, people?

And honestly. 13,000 deaths from complications from regular influenza SO FAR in 2009, according to CNN… and we have ONE death from Swine Flu in the United States, hundreds worldwide, and two suspected cases 15 miles away and they shut down the schools in the entire county? Really??

I get the need to protect the idiots from each other, since there are parents who will send sick children to school anyway and infect everyone else. As a teacher, I totally get that. I got whooping cough from a student 3 years ago because they came to school anyway. But I still think it’s absurd.

Or maybe Stephen King was onto something with “The Stand,” and this is the end.

Hm. Maybe I’ll keep an eye out for crows, too, then.




4 Responses

  1. I agree with you. All this stuff about Swine Flu has my kids all upset. I just got through telling my 21 year old daughter that they have thousands of cases of regular flu every year and there are people who die from it. I told them to wash their hands and don’t let people sneeze and cough on them. Take precautions but don’t let it keep you all worried and upset! God is in control!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  2. I’m so with you on this! LAUSD haven’t closed schools, but they have in San Diego. Our school did send a letter home to tell us “how they’re dealing with it”. I just told Emma to wash her hands a lot, sent her with some anti-bacterial wipes and called it a day. Lice is spread more rampant than the flu around these parts…

    Can’t wait to see you!! (Although, I’ll be spending 3 days in Jacksonville visiting my Grandma. YAY!)

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