Likes and Dislikes

As part of a class I’m taking, we had to create two collages: one of things we like, and one of things we don’t like. It was an interesting exercise, because I found that it was much harder to find things I don’t like in magazines. I mean, I’d see something and think, “Hmmm. Not my style” in a home dec magazine or political magazine, but nothing that cried out to be included. So finally I had to start pulling colors and types of quilts/scrapbooking supplies to just fill up the space.

But the Likes? I had to toss several that just didn’t fit.

Things that I like:
Elaine's Likes

Things that I dislike:
Elaine's Dislikes

The “Likes” are pretty self-explanatory, I think…. Let me know if you need clarification on any of them. The “Dislikes…” Well, I had to stretch there. I don’t like music that’s off-key, including when people just can’t help it. Makes me cringe (“On Key-” is on the Likes page, “-and Off” is on the Dislikes). I don’t like the competition I feel between moms — women are OBNOXIOUS. I feel stifled by perfectionism (“Do It Right”). I don’t like floral fabrics. I don’t like high heels. I don’t like pessimism. I don’t like non-functional lumpy stuff on scrapbook pages (like the little shaped eyelets). I don’t care to make traditional quilts, thanks. And I really dislike the pink/brown/spring green fad that’s in right now. What is this, 1965?


2 Responses

  1. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    It’s a class at Quilt University (, designed to help you loosen up the artist inside. 🙂

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