Splish Splash

Today, I bought the girls Crocs, because we will be going back and forth to the pool a lot. And puddle stomping along that route is always fun. And these shoes can handle puddle stomping better than the pool shoes I’ve gotten the past two summers.

When Jerry came home from work, he decided to wash the cars. So he and Helen went out, Helen in her new Crocs, and washed his car. Then they came in for dinner, and we all went back out after dinner so he could wash my car. 🙂

Helen and Alice “helped.”

There’s a low spot in the driveway that always gets a good, deep puddle. Helen had a lot of fun in it:

Splish Splash

and Alice got soaked, too:

Alice and Daddy wash the front of the car

At one point, Alice sat down in the deepest part of the puddle which is why she was wet all the way down to her skin. She didn’t seem to care, though.




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