We would like to request a Do Over of our weekend.
It started out well enough, I guess… It appeared that Helen was on the mend from the Second Annual Barf Extravaganza, and I went to my UFO night at the quilt shop and got a lot done.
About 90 minutes into my evening, I started getting a play-by-play in text messaging from Jerry, who sent me periodic updates on Alice’s digestive condition throughout the evening.
When I got home, Jerry was pale, Helen and Alice were both asleep, and I was starting to feel not-so-good myself.
It became a competition.
Yep, all four of us had a stomach bug simultaneously. I don’t mean “simultaneously” in the sense of …. concurrent. I mean “simultaneously” in the sense of SIMULTANEOUS.
My jeans were loose for the first time in months when I put them on this morning. I know that weight is just going to come back, but it was kind of nice. And today I actually feel human, which is a nice change from the icky of the weekend.
However, I wish we could have a weekend from our weekend. What a miserable way we had to spend it. 🙁
4 Responses
Filed under: plague, utter waste of weekend
Damn that Alice!
So sorry Elaine. Take the next few days off. (Ha Ha)
Oh, yuck!
Feel better soon!!!