The pain associated with this is far worse than anything else I have ever experienced. Worse than healing after jaw surgery, worse than the pain before the jaw surgery, worse than either childbirth experience or subsequent recoveries. Worse than back labor with Alice, because at least that came in waves of pain, and not a constant stream of torture.
I have been lying down for a week now. In the adjustable bed at the hospital, I could elevate my head a bit and wedge a rolled-up blanket under one buttock to take the pressure off, and thus feel like I was sitting up even when I wasn’t. At home, we don’t have an adjustable bed, so I don’t have that luxury. And I’m going stir crazy.
I just really want to be able to sit up, but I can’t. I even had Jerry go digging around in the linen closet to find the inflatable doughnut pillow that I sat on for the first 5 weeks after Helen was born. Even when we barely inflate that, it’s more than I can handle — too much pressure.
So I roll up on my hip and just wait. I know that in a month or so, I’ll be very glad I did this, but right now I have buyer’s remorse. Jerry is weary of playing scrubnurse and I’m weary of being unable to help when I can hear the kids going nutso on him downstairs.
Fast Forward to November, anyone? That would be just fine with me.
8 Responses
Hang in there babe. And don’t forget that we’re all just a phone call away, should you need ANYTHING. I mean that.
Ditto! Prayers are flooding your way, and the light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. You are by far the toughest, strongest friend of mine!
Offer is still valid…..
I can come play after school tomorrow if that will help!
That would be great, RaRa. 🙂
Nancy, I wish you lived closer and it wouldn’t cost you a bazillion dollars to come visit.
You’re building towards a better future. Keep your eye on the prize.
Oh Elaine, what can I do? Would dirty magazines help?
LOL, Anjali… Remember the Playgirl that I brought to the pledge retreat?! What an icebreaker!
Tee hee…. Dirty magazines not necessary, though… I always have the internet.