Saturday Mornings

Jerry has a wonderful habit lately of getting up when the girls do (about 6:30am) on Saturdays and letting me sleep in. I usually drag out of bed around 8ish, have a leisurely shower, and wander downstairs to find Alice already napping and Jerry and Helen engrossed in some sort of activity — blocks, coloring, Chutes & Ladders, or snuggled on the sofa watching a movie together.

Thursday night, Jerry stayed up past 1am doing some work on the computer, and last night he was up pretty late talking to a friend. On average, I need less sleep than he does (by more than an hour), so this morning when Helen came in and announced that she needed to brush her teeth, I got up and let HIM sleep.

He did not sleep well; he felt guilty, he said, because Saturday is MY day to sleep in.

I didn’t mind. I had a nice morning with the girls, and Jerry got the sleep he needed. And I snoozed on the sofa when Alice was napping, and Helen cuddled with me and watched Dora the Explorer. So I got some sleep, too.

All four of us were still in pajamas around 2pm.

I love lazy Saturdays.




2 Responses

  1. This morning Emma and I walked over to Bel Air and had our caffinated beverage of choice (hers is just straight hot chocolate) and a bread product (bagel for me, doughnut for her). We then got caffiene for the other two and went home.

    The other two were still in bed. It was 9:45.

    I woke Kaitlyn up reminding her she had to be at the church in “half an hour” and she groused and grumbled until I say “and here’s a caramel javalanche”. All was right with her world in an INSTANT.

    I left Norm’s coffee on his bedside table. He woke up 15 minutes later.

    It’s good to hang out with the children. Especially one at a time.

  2. Sounds lovely! I require far more sleep than Brian, so weekend mornings are mine for the sleeping.
    Great to hear that Alice is past her very early morning wake-ups!

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