
This morning I went to the hair salon with both girls in tow, ready to switch cars with my inlaws so they could take the grandkids for the morning and I could have a peaceful haircut. Only problem: my haircut was on Tuesday morning and I remembered the day wrong.

I lost my brain in the delivery room, in June of 2002. Nobody TOLD me that it was somehow at risk when I was pushing — I was just trying to get HELEN out.

Anyway. I came home to a clean house (thanks to last night’s Mary Kay party), and an EMPTY HOUSE.

The girls are coming home later than normal because Alice decided to take a nap about 30 minutes ago. So I’m getting to enjoy the silence longer than usual. I have a scrapbooking workshop tonight that I should get getting tables set up for, but I’d rather sit here and enjoy the fact that I’m by myself, no one is whining at me, no one is clinging to my leg, and I have only changed two diapers so far today.

Life is good. 🙂