
At 5am today, Helen came up the stairs and into our bedroom in near-hysterics. Apparently, bees got under her covers. She talked about it for a LONG time before we were able to calm her down and get her to go back to sleep.

We sent Logic out at one point to go take care of the bees (He just laid down right outside our bedroom door). When he came back in, he was all waggy, so I told Helen it was because he was proud of himself for getting rid of the bees.

Today I’ll be going to Publix and getting a squirt bottle and some lavender oil so we can make Safety Spray for Helen’s bedroom — a few squirts before bedtime will keep all bugs and monsters and creepy things away from Helen while she sleeps.





2 Responses

  1. Can I just say that you are the kind of parent I’d want to be(e)? I love that you sent the dog out.. and when your dog does agility training, they can follow enough for you to fake it from there. 🙂

  2. Elaine

    The Real Person!

    Author Elaine acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

    Dogs open your life to all KINDS of laziness, as I’m sure you know… — I sent Logic out so *I* wouldn’t have to go down there (plus, if I had left Helen at that point, she would have just screamed like a banshee for even longer). We have found that the dogs are fantastic vacuum cleaners for picking up strewn baby food, too.

    I did find an empty spray bottle in my cabinets… So I’ve filled it with water and Helen has made a label for it. I’ll sneak a little Febreze in there when she’s not looking, and VOILA! Magic Safety Spray!

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