Helen has this week decided that potty training isn’t really for her, and she’d just rather Mommy had to do lots of laundry to wash the pee out of at least three outfits a day.
So far today, I have taken away two things that matter greatly to her: I took away her box of crayons (horrors!) and refused to allow her to nap in Alice’s room. She will get to have her crayons back next time she is a big girl and goes in the bathroom instead of just peeing wherever she is. She will get to nap with Alice tomorrow if she goes all morning without an accident.
She had five accidents on Tuesday. At least two on Wednesday, several yesterday, and four so far today. And it’s definitely an attitude thing — she doesn’t want to stop whatever she’s doing, and if I ask her to go to the bathroom she gets MAD and stalls stalls stalls (pardon the pun). And usually, almost immediately (probably due to the power of suggestion), she’s wet, her socks and shoes are wet, and the carpet is wet.
Her birthday is Sunday. I wonder if all this discussion of her birthday is freaking her out. Otherwise, I don’t know what could be causing this… Nothing else has really changed for her; I think it’s just a neurotic phase. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her go back to diapers. We’ve made it since FEBRUARY and this is the worst week she’s had since the first one.
Maybe I should get the timer back out and I can send her to the bathroom every 30 minutes like I did at the beginning.
2 Responses
I am NOT looking forward to potty training with Mike. In the immortal words of Aardvark, “This too shall pass.”
I didn’t have this problem with Mira, but the two months before she turned 3 were the hardest I’ve had with her. She was so stubborn and everything was a power struggle.