
Linus is COMPLETELY OBNOXIOUS when he wants something. Sometimes he wants more water, sometimes he wants food, sometimes he wants to go outside, sometimes he just wants attention, but his approach is always the same. He repeatedly PECKS you with his snout.

Peck peck.
Peck peck peck.


I usually say, “WHAT?!” out of exasperation, and then he’ll just turn around, satisfied that I’ve acknowledged his existence, and lie down. Makes me crazy.


Tomorrow I head out to see my imaginary friends. There are 7 of us congregating, and I’ve met 4 of them before (well, 5, if you include me). We’ve been friends since 1999, posting on a scrapbooking message board… There are 10 of us in this little circle. There used to be eleven, but one of our beloved members died last August. Because of her, we’re jumping at the chance to get together now so we don’t one day regret missed opportunities. It should be lots of fun… The strangest thing, no doubt, will be to “hear” each other, when we’ve just been reading online messages for the past 6 years.

I’m sure there will be some fun conversations in the next week. I’m really looking forward to it.


Allrightythen. I now realize that I need to make sure my images are sized down a bit more than that one was, in order to not disfigure my navigation stuff on the right. Duly noted.

…. Change of topic.

I was in Barnes & Noble tonight briefly, and I saw someone I haven’t seen in about 5 years. Took me a minute to figure out who he was — a creepy guy I used to work with. He kind of looked like Rick Moranis, and was (is?) WAAAY creepier than Rick Moranis has ever been. Once I figured this out, I made SURE not to make eye contact and I got outta there as fast as possible. Definitely wouldn’t want to be cornered into an awkward conversation about the last five years of my life with him. Ewww.

Evidence of Disease

Okay, so I said I had a sickness. Here is proof:

Alice modeling a dress I made, Helen's dress in background

I finished these today. Complete with matching panties for Alice. The dress is a bit big on her because she’s 8 months old and I made a 12-months dress. Because I anticipate she’ll wear this most of the summer.

Helen wasn’t here today, so she’s not in her outfit. Which is just as well, because there’s no way I’d be able to get her OUT of the outfit if I put her in it. She’s kinda like that about handmade clothes. I think the cotton must feel good, because she seems to really like to wear them… Which of course just feeds my disease.

Proud of myself for actually finishing these relatively quickly. I cut them out last Tuesday night, and finished them this morning. Just over 5 days — not too shabby!