Button for Virtual Quilting Bee I’m in…

I’m in an online quilting bee on Flickr that started this month, and I designed a button for us to use. I need to get Jerry’s help embedding it in my sidebar (which is SO out of date, but I digress)… But here’s the code for them to use. Just copy and paste the following html onto your website (just take out all of the line breaks but don’t add spaces — I couldn’t get the code to display without turning to the links it’s coding for. Tried everything I could think of. What can I say? I’m an artist, not a computer geek):

< a h ref ="http://www .flickr .com/photos /13203716@N03/4429858939/" title="sew2 speak badge with larger type by messygoat, on Flickr">< im g s rc ="ht tp://farm 5.static.flic kr.com/4071/44298589 39_653ea61375_o.j pg" wid th="100" he ight="100" alt="sew2 speak badge with lar ger type" />

Here’s what the button looks like:

sew2speak badge with larger type




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