Free Days

Next week is Interim Week for the school where almost all of my tutoring students go, so they’ll be on trips and in enrichment classes (like cooking, sewing, home improvement, etc.) all week. Which means I will only have ONE student on my schedule all week.

Both of my children will be in playschool their normal days.

I plan on using my Monday and Thursday mornings to work on stuff around the house (mostly Spring Cleaning), and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are MINE. I’m very excited. 🙂

Monday I’m focusing on reclaiming the master bedroom, because it’s gotten really cluttered. Thursday’s focus might be the kitchen cabinets — rearranging for better efficiency. We’ll see if I actually accomplish these things — I’m very hopeful.

The selfish part of me just wanted to quilt all week, but since Jerry was MORE than patient about my utter devotion to the Green Albatross for the entire month of February, I thought that maybe I’d make an effort to amend the backlog of housework that built up. 🙂

I also think I’ll check the schedule at SuperSuppers and plan to go one of those mornings (either Monday or Thursday)… Maybe even Wednesday, since I can take Alice to the church nursery for free babysitting on that morning. 🙂 Gotta love church — and it’s at the same end of town as SuperSuppers, so that works out, too.

Sorry I’ve been so blogless lately — I had a frustrating week and didn’t want to just come here to rant. It was one of those weeks where I kept losing things. I hate those weeks.




3 Responses

  1. I hate how housework piles up when you are sick or occupied (like with the albatross). I’m going through that right now – I feel like my house threw up on itself! Here’s to digging out, one room at a time. 🙂

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