So. I’ve been working on The Green Albatross, right? The quilt I started in 1992? Yeah, that one.
Well, I have had a verrrrrrrrrrry narrow creative focus for the past MONTH as I have been absolutely determined to get this quilt out of my life. In fact, my goal is to have it finished by bedtime on Wednesday, February 28 — I’m giving up the quilt for Lent, dammit.
Today I finished the last of the handsewing to conceal the seams where I attached the sections of the quilt. Tonight I sewed on the binding, and now I have to hand-tack it to the back to finish it.
That’s roughly 36 feet of handsewing.
It’s bound, and I’m determined.
So if I’m scarce the next few days, it’s because I’m drowning in a sea of purple and green as I finish this quilt, FINALLY.
Victory will be so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet, I mean it. 😀
3 Responses
We are all looking forward to you being done with it.
Yes. We all are.
Hmph. So supportive, you guys are. 😛