Got the idea from Stacy

I liked her list, so I had to jump on that bandwagon… 🙂

4 Things To Do Before I Die
1. go to Australia
2. speak in front of thousands of people that want to hear me
3. win “Best in Show” in a quilt show
4. have a long-arm quilting business or a scrapbook-for-hire business

4 Things I’ve Already Crossed Off The List
1. directed a play (I’ve done it three times now)
2. carried two healthy babies
3. made my wedding dress
4. married my true love

4 Things I’m Good At
1. starting new projects
2. math
3. scrapbooking
4. sewing

4 Things That Need Improvement
1. finishing projects
2. my feisty temper
3. sharing my creativity with and encouraging creativity in my children
4. keeping my house clean

4 Things I Cannot Do
1. sit still
2. hide my anger
3. garden
4. dance

4 Things I Say A Lot
1. Shut. Up.
2. Hello, my gorgeous girls!
3. Helen, stop that!
4. Alice, that’s NOT for eating!

4 Things I Loathe
1. passive aggression
2. the nasty carpet in the kids’ playroom
3. what the cats are doing to our house
4. people who lie, and then deny it

4 Things That Make Me Cranky
1. rainy days, when I have to wipe the dogs’ feet to bring them inside
2. my body’s muscular flaw, which I will have fixed surgically next week
3. cleaning the house
4. when a project doesn’t come together quite the way I expected it to

4 Things That Feed My Soul
1. a room full of children giggling (working in children’s theatre is great for this)
2. fabric shopping
3. finishing a project that has taken me a long time
4. seeing my girls dressed in clothes I made for them

4 Things that Make Me Laugh
1. Helenisms
2. Jerry (oh, my GOODNESS, he’s funny)
3. Alice’s interminable appetite
4. late night IM chats with the Bobs

4 People Who Enrich My Life
(besides the obvious. Jerry gets his own category!)
1. The Bobs, who count as one, as Stacy said. You guys are the best!
2. Helen, whose curiosity and wonder about the world have made me see it through new eyes.
3. My mom, who is my best female friend. We fuel each other’s creativity, and I feel adrift when she’s out of town.
4. Alice, who’s so easygoing and happy that she’s taught me a tremendous amount in the 14 months I’ve gotten to know her. What a joy to be around!

4 People Who Inspire Me
1. Stacy K. – one of the most selfless, giving people I have ever met.
2. Mom – whose love for art and creativity is the single greatest thing I got out of childhood.
3. Dad – who openly adores my mother and taught me what to look for in a husband.
4. Jim H. – a philanthropic boss that I worked for, whose lessons about spreading your wealth still affect me on a daily basis. He is an amazing, incredible, inspiring man, and I am blessed to have worked for him, because he made me a less selfish person.

4 Reasons I’d Marry Jerry Again
1. he makes me laugh
2. he helps me take things not quite so seriously all the time
3. he always encourages me in my hobbies and interests – ALWAYS – even if he doesn’t like the particular project I’m currently working on
4. I enjoy US as a couple – I think we’re fun together.

4 Quotes I Love
1. Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. -Mark Twain
2. If you hear a voice within you that says, “You cannot paint,” by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. – Vincent Van Gogh
3. Bach gave us God’s word, Beethoven gave us God’s fire, Mozart gave us God’s laughter, God gave us music so that we may pray without words. – from a German Opera House
4. Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone




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