Bon Appetit

Apparently, picking blueberries causes one to work up an appetite.

We went blueberry picking (the girls and I and my mom) at 7am today. Helen did VERY well, picking about a pound of blueberries and carrying a little pint-sized bucket. ALL of the blueberries she picked were totally blue. She didn’t pick any that were pink or green still. I was impressed.

They’ve been kind of cranky all day, and Helen’s been demanding food (which is weird for her — she’s nuclear and doesn’t require traditional fuel). Tonight, for dinner, the girls (combined) ate the following:

  • 24 Tyson chicken nuggets (Mommy was lazy)
  • half a can of green beans (Alice ate these; green beans make Helen gag)
  • 11-oz can of corn
  • about 6 handsful of fresh blueberries — each.

And now, I’m sure that Alice is going to toddle around downstairs slapping her belly, which she does when she has stuffed herself. Which is to say, she does this EVERY night, because she’s a piglet.




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