Feel the Power

Yesterday I dropped my cell phone and broke the LCD, so now the screen looks like stained glass. Mostly pretty shards of purple and blue. Loverly. The phone still functions as normal; I just can’t see the numbers I punch in, and I can’t tell who’s calling if the phone is open. And, horror of horrors, NO TEXT MESSAGING!!! This wouldn’t be so bad except that this (and email) is how Jerry and I communicate all day. We’re frequently sending text messages back and forth. It’s an addiction. Like all my other addictions.

So added to my List Of Stuff To Do was an impromptu trip to Verizon to see what their diagnosis would be.

Helen did not WANT to go run errands. She wanted to sit and watch the PeeWee Herman DVDs that godfather JD gave her for her birthday. But Mommy was a meanie.

As soon as Alice woke up from her morning nap, we hit the road. Verizon (I have insurance on the phone, so my replacement arrives tomorrow), junky fast food for lunch, the portrait studio to pick up Alice’s 9-months photos and purchase Helen’s 3-year photos, and then to the Great American Cookie Company in the mall to get Helen the Elmo cookie I promised her if she was good. Which she was, all things considered. She’s three, after all, which means that she’s got demons coursing through her veins, so all in all I was pleased with her performance this morning. We shall be renewing her contract.

After all that, she didn’t want an Elmo cookie. When faced with the choice of Elmo, Cookie Monster, or Oscar the Grouch, Helen HAD to have Oscar. So we got Oscar. And two chocolate chip cookies (one for Mommy and one for Alice). Then Helen wanted an M&M cookie — more than the Oscar cookie, which I had already paid for. So I got the M&M cookie and told her she could have Oscar after nap.

Then we went to Williams-Sonoma (happily eating cookies) and bought a wedding gift for the daughter of a friend. While we were waiting for the gift to be wrapped, Alice dropped part of her cookie on the floor (I had given her half a cookie, and she dropped about 2/3 of that), and then erupted in urgent, “Mum-mum-mum-MUM-MUM-MUM-MUMMMMM!” as she leaned over the edge of the stroller and gazed longingly at the confectionary bliss that was out of her reach on the floor. So we threw THAT away and I gave her the other half of her cookie, which she finished.

And THEN we came home for nap, which was foiled by a disagreement between Helen and Tango. Neither girl took much of a nap today — maybe about 30 minutes, tops.

I tried to give blood at the Red Cross, but I’m too anemic from nursing Alice… Got a T-shirt and two coupons for free stuff from Domino’s Pizza and Chick-Fil-A anyway, though, so that was cool.

Ran a few more errands (including purchasing steak at Publix — you know, to up my iron), and then came home. Drove all the way out to Madison with Logic in the back of the car for Dog Agility Class, only to find the building locked up tight and no one around. Huh. Drove all the way back. Took Helen to watch about 20 minutes of a swim meet that’s going on two doors down from our house. She thought THAT was cool.

So. Busy busy. Now you know why I haven’t posted until now. I know you’ve been obsessively hitting “refresh.”

Oh — and Oscar the Grouch, still uneaten, is now in the freezer for use as a bribe on another day. All Hail The Power Of The Cookie.


5 Responses

  1. I know the power of the cookie….
    You would be surprised what I will do for a cookie…or maybe you wouldn’t

  2. I think Sue deserves a cookie. She has been very good in the face of great temptation to slap the crap out of someone thru cyberspace…..

  3. I’m accepting any and all cookies out here in suburban Philadelphia. (And I don’t care if it’s Oscar, Elmo, or whatever.)

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