
Some of these are fun, some of these are decidedly NOT fun. Some of them are “when I get to it” projects. But all of them are things I would like to get done. Thanks a helluva lot to Sue, who posted her lists on her blog, so I figured I might as well post mine here. Just to be a lemming.

In no particular order:

— make Jerry’s backpacking quilt (he’s going to do most of the work on this; I’m just the monkey at the sewing machine. He’ll do all the pinning and prepping for the machine, though, so this shouldn’t be too bad)
— Finish the “Sticks” quilt (the one I posted about earlier… Probably 2 good nights left on this, max, and it’s ready for trimming and binding.)
— Star Quilt (this one, which I’ve been working on since November 2003. I work in spurts on this one because it intimidates me — and keeps me awake)
— Green Albatross (the 1992-2005 Hunter Green and purple quilt, previously mentioned. The Quilt That Will Not Die)
— Bargello quilt (this one, which I started last summer as a tribute to my friend Donna, who loved bargello quilts and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June 2004. She died in August. Every time I see this quilt I think of our friendship. Probably two good nights of quilting it and it’ll be ready for binding)
— Tapas Quilt (this one, except now it has borders and looks a lot better… It’s ready to layer and quilt)
— Alice’s sweater (back finished, most of front right is finished. Needs front left, hood, and sleeves.)
— Sofa slipcover (two cushions done. I need to make more welting so I can keep going)
— Lion chair slipcover (fabric purchased)
— Shades for Alice’s room (one is almost done, need hardware to finish it)
— Shade for Helen’s room (need more blackout fabric, hardware)
— Cornice for Living room (fabric purchased)
— Scrapbook album for March Texas Trip (photos organized)
— Alice’s baby book (caught up through February)
— Paint Helen’s room (paint purchased)
— Paint Master Bedroom (paint selected)
— Make “lovey” toys for Helen and Alice (patterns cut out)
— Placemats I started for my brother and his family for Christmas last year and didn’t complete
— Christmas stockings for us (fabric purchased and I’ve started sewing strips together…)

I’m tired just thinking about it all. No wonder my house is such a wreck!




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